handshake over the head on 2 to hammer lock reverse whip with extra spin - Ben Morris/Torri
Free Spin to duck - Jordan/Torri
Hustle Whip elbow over elbow duck - Jordan/Torri
Hand shake right side hammer lock walks - Ben Morris/Torri
Hand shake inside spin over the shoulder with extra spin - Kris/Torri
slingshot outside turnto over the head - Maxime/Torri
circle spin from shoulder - Maxime/Torri
chicken wing inside turn with leader's turn - Jordan/Tatiana
Jordan/Tatiana follower falls to the ground move
free spin/over the back on count 2 - Ben Morris/Brandi
hand shake, left side pass inside turn, extra free spin from shoulder - Ben Morris/Brandi
left side hammer lock pick up other hand - Ben Morris/Brandi
free spin/over the back on count 4 - Jordian/Victoria
handshake reverse whip hammer lock extra spin - Jordan/Victoria
left side hammer lock throw out - Jordian/Victoria
Under the Leg - Jordan/Tatiana