Python Blog

This post is part of a series. This list contains all of the posts:

I used Wordpress for a long time, but decided that I wanted to build my own in Python. Check out the code on github. I also have a kanban board which documents all the features rather well.

This was a rather serious undertaking because of the following:

I found it very interesting that programming a blog is actually more arduous than one would think. Countless introduction articles to programming languages exist that use a blog as the example application. I've done at least two or three of these before. However, these articles never take necessary functionality into account, like how to auto save drafts, implement a spam check feature, how to harden and secure the server, or how to implement HTTPS.

As I keep iterating on my blog, I will write additional posts and they will appear in the table of contents you see above and below.

This post is part of a series. This list contains all of the posts:


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Name: sowndharya

Creation Date: 2024-12-25

Thank you for sharing this blog